Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sisterhood of the Pen


WB Linda Wastila tapped me, and a great honor it is. She's a talented writer who makes it seem effortless, but I know she works her butt off to make it happen. Her insightful reading keeps me on my toes.

In the spirit of sisterhood, I pass the tap on. For friendship, encouragement, great advice, and commiseration, I'm lucky to count these fine writers as friends:

Linda B
Jane B

Most of you don’t blog, but you deserve the kudos anyway. You’re great friends, generous with your knowledge and companionship. It's a joy to share my journey with you.


jb said...

Hey Greta,
Thanks!!! How cool!! Right back atcha.
Jane B

LindaB said...

It's been quite a while since i bounced into your blog, so imagine my surprise to find myself mentioned there, along with our good buddies Brenda and Gail (and can't Russ get honorary membership?) Just so you know --- I feel the same way about our writers' quarter. Grateful and honored!