Thursday, April 30, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 30


Well, kids. We made it. Woo hoo! Many thanks to all who have shared their stories this month. Now let’s finish this thing with a deafening bang.

To celebrate everything we’ve done this month, let’s take one last look at those prompts we passed by earlier. This is our final chance to collectively Take Two. Let’s make the most of this chance.

And, of course, we can’t forget this fitting prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a farewell poem (six). After all, we are saying farewell to another wonderful National Poetry Month. Say farewell to this month; say farewell to a vacation spot; say farewell to a bad relationship; say farewell to work; say farewell to school; say farewell to saying farewell even. Hopefully, I won't be saying farewell to you; please stay in touch and let me know of your successes as we keep poeming (sixing) toward the horizon.

It’s been a terrific month of stories. I can’t wait to see what you post in the comments. You guys rock.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 29


Hump day. I don’t know about you, but I’m having a hard time getting over the hump today. To make things slide a little easier, I’m going to offer two prompts again today.

Here’s our offering from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to title your poems (sixes) "Never (blank)" with you filling in the blank with a word or phrase. Then, write a poem (six) based off your title, which could be "Never look both ways when crossing the street" or "Never blush in public" or "Never ever" or "Never write a poem (six) with the word never in the title." You get the idea, right?

And here are today’s selections from The Writer’s Book of Matches:

#1: A mail carrier begins to suspect that a customer on his route is engaged in something fishy.

#2: I lie awake at night thinking that marrying her was the wrong choice.

Give it your best shot and create a work of genius. See you in the comments later.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 28


It’s Tuesday, which means two prompts from Robert Lee Brewer. Because his prompts today are poetry specific, I’ll throw in two to give us some extra choices.

Our duo from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a sestina. (Click here to find out the rules for sestinas.) So start figuring out your 6 end words and get writing.

But wait! Today is Tuesday, so you have one other option. You can write a poem about the sestina (your love, hate, frustration with, etc.).

And here’s two gems from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer's Digest Books):

#1: You see your brother, a recovering alcoholic, buying beer at a local store.

#2: A man and his wife stop to investigate a disabled vehicle on the side of the road.

Lots to pick from. Am I wrong to expect greatness? See you in the comments later.

Monday, April 27, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 27


The end is so close, I can taste it. Have you gotten better as the month progressed?

I’m not sure my technique has gotten better—in fact, I’d probably argue that it’s gotten sloppier--but my imagination can flare from spark to inferno in seconds now. And that’s something I’m very happy to take away from this.

Now down to business. Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) of longing. You or someone (or something) else should be pining for someone or something. Maybe a cat is longing to get outside the house. Maybe a teenager is longing to get away from his or her small town. And, of course, there's always the longing poem (six) of love.

If longing doesn't appeal to you, here’s today’s prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer's Digest Books):

I do not hate you.

This prompt was another originally offered as a line of dialogue, but I want you to use it however you wish.

Good writing so far. I expect more to come. See you in the comments later.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 26


Can you believe this is our last Sunday of six-or-so’s?

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) involving miscommunication. It can be miscommunication between two people or misinterpretation of some sort. I will leave it up to you guys to deal with it however you want.

And here’s today’s prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer's Digest Books):

I pray every day that it will stop, but it keeps getting worse.

This prompt was originally given as a line of dialogue, but I thought it had possibilities beyond that. You use it however you see fit.

Hope to see you all later in the comments.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 25


We’re in the home stretch! Let's see if we can keep the momentum going.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt I want you to pick an event and make that event the title of your poem.

And here’s today’s goody from The Writer’s Book of Matches:

A ten year old boy suspects his neighbor is wanted by the police.

See you in the comments.

Friday, April 24, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 24


The end draws near, but there’s unfinished business. Stones unturned, stories unwritten…You know what I’m getting at: Take Two.

To refresh your memories, Take Two lets us go back to those prompts we never got a chance to explore. Or even those ones we could have done better the first time. Think of Take Two as something we don’t get often in life; Take Two is a second chance.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a travel-related poem. It can be human travel, the migration of swallows, the trafficking of drugs, etc. Some sort of movement from point A to point B.

See you in the comments.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 23


After today, just seven more days. That makes me a little sad. Sure, I’m ready to get back into my usual routine, but I’ve had some shining moments this month that are hard to let go. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned this month, it’s how to keep moving, and that means moving on after this month.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six or so) of regret. Get creative with this one, but there should be some form of regret either expressed or hinted at (even if ever so slightly). You do NOT have to use the word "regret" in the poem (six or so), though it's fine if you do.

Interestingly, the prompt I’d selected from The Writer’s Book of Matches is the antithesis of regret. Funny how things work synergistically like that, without any planning or intent. Here’s your second prompt:

I know it’s terrible, but I kind of like hurting people.

That one could leap genres without breaking a sweat. Can’t wait to see what you come up with later in the comments.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 22

It's straight to work today.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a work-related poem. Work doesn't have to be the main feature of the poem, but I want you to "work" it in somehow. And remember: There are different types of work. Of course, there are the activities that gain you fortune and fame (or not), but then, there's also housework, exercise, volunteering, etc. I'm sure you'll "work" it out.

We’re back to Lin’s Garden for one last eavesdropped prompt:

I refuse to let myself get emotional.

Use the prompts however the muse urges. See you in the comments.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 21

Hard to believe we’re more than two-thirds done. When we started, I never imagined how hard this would be. And I never imagined I’d find so many stories. As of this writing, I have fifteen stories with potential and only five I don’t plan to pursue. Not bad for twenty days’ work. I’d be happy even if the numbers had been reversed.

But there will be time enough to dwell on this on May 1. April is about moving forward.

Today’s prompts (Two for Tuesday) from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides deal specifically with poetic forms. Not necessarily right for writing sixes, but I’ll post them for those who want to challenge themselves:

1. Write a haiku. The haiku is not just a form but a genre of poetry. (Click here to read more about the haiku.) People sometimes go into writing a haiku and end up with a senryu or a faux-ku, but it's all good (and all poetry).

2. Write about the haiku. I know there are some poets (in this very group even) who are anti-form. So, I'm giving them the option to write their anti-haiku manifestos. Of course, if you pay attention to this 2nd prompt, it doesn't need to be anti-haiku; your poem could be questioning or even praising the haiku. Or something.

I offer the following homegrown prompt as an alternative:

Start with a stereotype, then turn it on its ear.

Good luck with day 21. We’re doing great. See you later in the comments.

Monday, April 20, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 20


I feel like I’m on a roll. Let’s see what today will bring.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) of rebirth. There are many different types of rebirth available, including the changing of the seasons, the beginning of the day, religious or spiritual rebirth, a reconfirmation of good in people, re-learning how to love, etc.

For our homegrown prompt, I offer another eavesdropped beauty plucked from Lin’s Garden:

And I said to myself, “That is the last time.”

You can use it however you want: dialogue, narration, or otherwise. Use it in the beginning, middle or end. Then post your masterpiece in the comments.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 19


Hope you’re all having a good, productive weekend and that the words are flowing.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

…today's prompt is to write an angry poem (six). That is, a poem (six) about someone or something that gets angry. Could be a person, animal, or even them there angry clouds.

I’m still in the mood to mix things up, so rather than the usual offering from the Writer’s Book of Matches, I’m providing a prompt based on a snippet of conversation overheard at the Chinese buffet yesterday. Here it is, straight from Lin’s Garden (best Chinese food in southeast Wisconsin, IMO):

“You’re freaking me out.”

I have more gems from Lin’s (along with happy memories of their awesome steamed dumplings). Expect them to pepper the prompts over the next twelve days as we head toward the finish line.

Good luck and see you in the comments

Saturday, April 18, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 18

Take Two was fun. Now it's back to business as usual.

Here’s today’s offering from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) with an interaction of some sort. The interaction does NOT have to be between people, though it can. For instance, you could write about the interaction between a bee and a flower; or an owl and a field mouse. Or just write about a traffic cop getting into an argument with a speeder. Just as long as there is some sort of interaction going on.

And here’s today’s offering from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writers’ Digest Books):

“I’d be surprised if their marriage lasts a year.”

The bitchy part of me finds that irresistible :) See you in the comments.

Friday, April 17, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 17


I’ve decided to make today our first Take Two day.

Take Two lets us go back to those prompts we never got a chance to explore. We’ve been moving along at a fast pace. Now it’s time to go back and take a closer look.

I’ll post today’s Brewer prompt, but no new selection from The Writer’s Book of Matches. Your task is to either select today’s Brewer prompt or pick any prompt from the last 16 days of MySixWriMo and write your six sentence masterpiece.

Here’s today’s offering from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) with the following title: "All I want is (blank)," where you fill in the blank with a word or phrase of your choosing. Some example titles, then, could be: "All I want is to eat fried chicken"; "All I want is world peace"; "All I want is for everyone to tell me I'm beautiful"; or "All I want is a handful of quarters."

I like the idea of Take Two, so expect it to appear again in a week or so.

Good luck, have fun, and see you in the comments.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 16


We’re over the hump! Today officially marks the start of the second half of MySixWriMo. How are you doing? Have you found anything fabulous?

Here’s the prompt du jour from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to pick a color, make that the title of your poem (six), and write a poem (six) that is inspired by that color.

And here’s what I hand-selected from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

A trash collector uncovers something extraordinary in the back of his truck.

Good luck, everyone! Hope those creative fires are burning. See you in the comments.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 15


Every day spent writing is a good day, so let’s not tarry.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to take the title of a poem (story/six) you especially like (by another poet) and change it. Then, with this new altered title, I want you to write a poem (six). An example would be to take William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow" and change it to "The Red Volkswagon." Or take Frank O'Hara's "Why I Am Not a Painter" and change it to "Why I Am Not a Penguin." You get the idea, right? (Note: Your altered poem (six) does NOT have to follow the same style as the original poet (writer), though you can try if you wish.)

And our prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“Can you recommend a good book?”

Hope to see you in the comments.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 14


Happy Tuesday! Today we get a two-fer from Robert Lee Brewer. Here’s what he’s posted at Poetic Asides:

First prompt: Write a love poem (six).

Second prompt: Write an anti-love poem (six).

Simple as that.

And here’s the enticing little gem I selected from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

After courting online for months, a couple finally meets face-to-face in a hotel bar. Neither looks anything like the pictures they exchanged.

Looks like we could have overlap, but that makes it even more fun. Good luck, everyone. See you in the comments.

Monday, April 13, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 13


Welcome back to the work week, everyone. We had a great, but busy Easter here. It’s so nice to see family and (over)indulge in the feasting, but I’m ready to get back to work.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) that incorporates a hobby (either yours or someone else's). That's right: Now is the perfect opportunity to write about your comic collection or your scrapbooking activities. And for the purposes of this challenge, I also think activities such as fishing, running, bowling, photography, birding, and gardening count as hobbies.

And the prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

A nosy man eavesdrops on his co-workers and immediately regrets what he hears.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 12


Happy Easter to all! For those of a Christian persuasion, this is the biggest day of the year. May the joy flow over into all we do, including our writing.

Here's the prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to take the phrase "So we decided to (blank)" and fill in the blank. Make that your title and write a poem. Some possibilities include "So we decided to plant a tree" or "So we decided to burn a hole in the sky."

And the prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

A child finds a magic ring inside a box of cereal.

Happy Easter and happy writing! Hope to see your sixes in the comments later.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 11 (and sneak peek at Day 12)


Yesterday’s story came easily for me. A reward, I think, for pushing through. I would never have thought to write a story framed around Fridays if it hadn’t been for the prompt. But once I’d written it, I saw it was in me all the time.

But enough looking backward. Let’s get to today’s prompts.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem (six) about an object (or objects). Though you don't have to confine yourself to straight up description, I do want you to focus on object and/or make it a central piece of your poem (six). One of the more famous poems of contemporary literature does this wonderfully in William Carlos Williams' "The Red Wheelbarrow."

And the prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“Either you tell him or I will.”

Write your 6. Share it if you wish. As always, I’ll post mine in the comments.

Now for that sneak peek at Day 12.

I don’t know what the Brewer prompt will be, but here’s what I’m posting tomorrow from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

A child finds a magic ring inside a box of cereal.

Friday, April 10, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 10

I feel like I’m losing momentum. But I know enough about writing to know this is the time to keep pushing. Sometimes the pushing through brings the best results.

Now to today’s prompts.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

In some circles, today is known as Good Friday. In other circles, every Friday is good (mostly because the weekend has begun). For the rest, Fridays aren't anything special.

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem about Friday. Do you like Fridays? Despise Fridays? Of course, you can also write about something that happened on a Friday--or write an ode to Fridays. Or, as you know, I'm all for seeing you attack this from an angle I haven't thought of yet.

And the prompt from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“The only thing I’ve got left is my pride.”

Let’s see what we can come up with. See you in the comments later.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 9


Today’s a random extra inspiration day. For your reading pleasure, I submit:


1) To get the creative juices flowing. It’s hard to face that novel when you first sit down. Start with something small. Limber up, then tackle the tough stuff.

2) To have fun. What’s more fun than finishing a story? When the story is only six sentences long, you get to the fun part even quicker. Woo hoo! You’re done! Now crack that beer open.

3) To challenge yourself. It’s not easy to write a story in 6 sentences. Are you up for it? Just how much can you say and how well?

4) To take a break. We get in ruts sometimes on those long, marathon projects. Sixes are pauses that refresh us, but don’t hijack us from our main focus.

5) To unearth marketable work. Micros are hot. Join the party. Build your audience. Show them how brilliant and brief you can be.

6) To find that gem you never knew you had inside you. You never know what you’ll get. Could be a micro, could be a novel, but you never know until you start to write it down.

Also, a quick announcement: I know Easter is busy for everyone, so I’ll be posting Sunday’s Writer’s Book of Matches prompt on Saturday. I’ll post two to give you a choice.

Now to the prompts.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you write a poem (six) about a memory. The memory can be good or bad. The memory can be a blend of several memories. I suppose it could even be a memory that you're not sure you remember correctly. Take your time finding a good one (or good ones).

And the prompt du jour from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“A woman buys a copy of her high school yearbook through an eBay auction.”

There are so many reasons to write those sixes, so don’t tarry. See you in the comments.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 8


Today marks the start of our second week. Are we still having fun or has this metamorphosed into work?

It’s a little bit of both for me, but I can’t complain over the results. I already have four winners and two with potential, if I rough them up a bit and make them step into line. Not bad for seven days worth of work.

As of this writing, the prompt from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides wasn’t available yet. I’ll check on it after my morning outing. Here’s the link to the blog, if you want to follow up yourselves:

And here’s today’s selection from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“Well, he said he was pretty drunk at the time.”

Write your six sentences. I’ll do the same. See you in the comments later.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 7


Three prompts today, two for Tuesday plus one. With such abundance, we have no recourse but staggering brilliance.

First the twofer from Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

Prompt #1: I want you to write a clean poem (six). Take this however you wish. Clean language, clean subject matter, or cleaning the dishes. Of course, some twisted few will automatically link "cleaning" with hired hitmen. That's okay, as long as your poem (six) is somehow linked to clean.

Prompt #2: I want you to write a dirty poem (six). Take all that stuff I wrote in the first prompt and twist it upside down. The opposite of clean is dirty; so, do what ya gotta do to produce a dirty poem (six).

And one hand-selected by yours truly from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

After five years of admiring her around the office, Michael finally gets the chance to make his move.

So write and post. I’ll do the same. I look forward to the day’s riches.

Monday, April 6, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 6


A fresh week means fresh ideas. Here are the prompts to get your juices flowing.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's poem, I want you to write a poem about something missing. It can be about an actual physical object or something you just can't put your finger on (like "love" or "the spirit of Christmas" or something).

Andy did such a great job picking yesterday, I gave him another crack at it. From The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

Seven people board a small boat for a tour around the islands; but when the boat returns to the dock, only six people remain on board.

You know the drill. Six sentences on the prompt of your choice. Share if you want. I’ll post mine later.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 5


I’m saving today’s allotment of creativity for the writing, so let’s get straight to the prompts.

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write a poem about a landmark. It can be a famous landmark (like Mount Rushmore or the Sphinx) or a little more subdued (like the town water tower or an interesting sign).

I decided to make Sunday hubby’s choice day. Here’s what my husband picked from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

Over the course of one week, a rural woman notices that several items have disappeared from her clothesline.

Write 6 sentences. Share if you want. I’ll post mine in the comments later. Have fun. Be brilliant. Be brief.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 4


Ah, the weekend, with all its writing opportunities, obstacles and distractions...

So far, I’ve grown two worthy 6’s. One has blossomed into a nice microfiction. The other has a promising bud. I'm even telling myself that if I exercise some restraint, I might be able to prune the extended metaphor disaster of Day 2 into something worthwhile.

Now to today’s prompts:

From Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides :

For today’s prompt, I want you to pick an animal; make that animal the title of your poem (in our case, 6); then, write a poem (6). You could be very general with your animal title (“Bees” or “Lion”) or specific (“Flipper” or “Lassie”). You could even be very silly with something like “Tony, the Tiger,” I guess (that tiger on the cereal box).

Or, if you prefer, here’s today’s selection from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books):

“It’s always the quiet ones, you know?”

Instructions are as usual. Share if you wish. I’ll post mine in the comments later. Let me know if you’ve unearthed any diamonds. I’ve got ideas about what we can do with them…

Friday, April 3, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 3

We’re off to a great start. Let’s keep going.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer

Take the phrase "The problem with (blank)" and replace the "(blank)" with a word or phrase. Make this the title of your poem and then write a poem to fit with or juxtapose against that title. For instance, you could have poems with the titles of "The problem with government," "The problem with advanced mathematics," or "The problem with bipolar penguins." You know the drill: have fun, be creative

Our selection from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books) celebrates the creative potential of the US economy:

“I’m sorry. Your position is being eliminated.”

I’ll post my six in the comments later. Post yours in the comments, email them to me, or hide them under your mattress. Happy writing, everyone!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 2


The creative fun continues. Your mission: write a 6 sentence story based on one of the prompts below.

Here’s today’s prompt from Robert Lee Brewer

Today, I want you to write an outsider poem. You can be the outsider; someone else can be the outsider; or it can even be an animal or inanimate object that's the outsider. As usual, get creative with the prompt and don't be afraid to stretch the limits.

And our selection from The Writer’s Book of Matches (Writer’s Digest Books)…

You’re secretly in love with your best friend’s wife, and you suspect she feels the same way.

I’ll post my meager effort in the comments later. Post yours in the comments, email them to me, or keep your gold for yourself. Up to you. Good luck and good writing, one and all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MySixWriMo Day 1

Today marks the official start of MySixWriMo, an entirely unsubsidized, unauthorized event that I made up on a whim. MySixWriMo invites participants to write a 6 sentence story based on a daily prompt. Six Sentence stories are inspired by the form created by Rob McEvily at his blogzine, Six Sentences.

We'll use prompts provided by Robert Brewer, who hosts the April Poem a Day month event at his blog, Poetic Asides. (Poem a Day is an event sponsored by Writer's Digest.) In addition, I may also post another prompt from The Writer's Book of Matches, published by Writer's Digest Books.

You may email your finished 6s to me or post them in the comments section here if you want to be held accountable, but sharing isn't required. This is strictly for fun.

Today's prompt from Robert Brewer at Poetic Asides:

For today's prompt, I want you to write an origin poem. It can be the origin of a word, person, plant, idea, etc. Have fun with it.

And the prompt taken from The Writer's Book of Matches:

"She checked out last night."

I'll be back later to share my own 6 sentence interpretation. Good luck, everyone!